Learn more: UAE Golden Visa

Learn more: UAE Golden Visa

Moving to the UAE: Exploring the UAE Golden Visa

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a sought-after destination for expatriates from the UK and around the world. With its sunny climate, abundant job opportunities, and high standard of living, it’s an attractive place to live and work. If you're considering a long-term move to the UAE, the UAE Golden Visa might be the perfect solution. This guide provides everything you need to know about the UAE Golden Visa, including the application process and eligibility criteria.

What is the UAE Golden Visa?

The UAE Golden Visa is a renewable long-term residence visa available to investors, scientists, students, and various other categories of individuals. It allows holders to live and work in the UAE for 5 to 10 years without needing a sponsor. Golden Visa recipients can also bring their family members, including spouses, parents, and children.

Who Can Apply for a UAE Golden Visa?

Recent changes have made the eligibility criteria for the UAE Golden Visa more flexible, allowing a broader range of individuals to apply. Here are the primary categories:

Investors in Public Investments:
- Must deposit at least 2 million AED in an accredited UAE investment fund or
- Have a commercial or industrial license and a memorandum of association confirming a capital investment of at least 2 million AED or
- Pay at least 250,000 AED in annual taxes, as confirmed by the Federal Tax Authority.
- Additionally, applicants need medical insurance and proof of full ownership of the invested capital.

Real Estate Investors:
- Must own property worth at least 2 million AED.
- Need to provide a letter from the land department confirming property ownership or
- Buy property with a loan from approved local banks.

- Must own a project of a technical or innovative nature valued at least 500,000 AED.
- Require approval from a UAE auditor, local emirate authorities, and an accredited UAE business incubator.

Outstanding Specialized Talents:
- Includes professionals like doctors, scientists, inventors, athletes, etc.
- Each profession has specific requirements. For example, doctors need approval from the UAE Ministry of Health, while athletes need a recommendation from the General Sports Authority.

Outstanding Students:
- High school and university students with excellent grades and recommendations can apply.
- Graduates from top 100 global universities (as recognized by the UAE Ministry of Education) are also eligible.

How to Apply

Applications for the UAE Golden Visa can be submitted via the ICP Smart Services platform or the General Directorate of Residence and Foreign Affairs website. Alternatively, you can hire a professional at a typing centre to assist you. The process involves filling out an application form, providing the necessary documents, paying the fees, and submitting the application.


The UAE Golden Visa fees range from 2,800 to 4,800 AED, depending on the visa category and other factors. Additional costs include mandatory health insurance.


The UAE Golden Visa offers numerous advantages, including long-term residence without the need for annual renewals or a sponsor. Visa holders can sponsor their family members, allowing access to the UAE’s world-class healthcare and education systems.

Transferring Funds to the UAE

If you're planning to purchase property or transfer large sums to AED, choose Monfor for reliable and transparent currency exchange services. Avoid unfair exchange rates and hidden fees by contacting Monfor to discuss your requirements.

This guide covers all essential aspects of the UAE Golden Visa, from what it is and who can apply to the application process and its benefits. If you're ready to make the move, the UAE Golden Visa could be your gateway to a new life in this dynamic and prosperous country.

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